Thursday, July 29, 2010

Teton Shred

Once again, it's been awhile since my last post. Lets just say there have been lots of bike rides and TONS of late nights. It's hard to get on the computer at all, but I still have been bringing my camera with me and can catch up whenever I feel like taking it easy in front of the computer.

A few weeks back a crew from Road34 headed up to Teton pass in Wyoming near the Idaho border to shred DH. The Stagecoach Saloon was nice enough to let us keep the trailer in their parking lot for a couple day while we ripped. The trails up there are all shuttleable, all on public lands (that means free), and all unbelievably well built. So well built that a shitty DH rider (such as myself) was able to absolutely kill it. Tons of "point and shoot" drops and jumps that if simply hit at speed take care of themselves. I didn't even need a practice run to settle in even though I was hungover as fuck and ready to shit myself when we dropped in for our first run. Goddamn I was hurtin. Too many nights in a Roadhouse, I guess.

Our first trail we hit was Lithium. It's about a 20 minute hike-a-bike from the shuttle drop point and completely worth it. With all of our sessioning and screwing around we spent over an HOUR on this one trail. It is without a doubt the longest DH trail I've ever been on and has one kick-ass feature after another. Other completely rippin notable trails were Parallel, Fuzzy Bunny, and another one we were just calling "Jump Trail". Every feature no matter how small has beautifully built "go arounds" and even when I was in over my head I just went for it and everything was fine. No one really wrecked at all, except for Mitch who hucked his flesh pod multiple times off of the biggest shit these trails had to offer sight unseen. Hell, Mitch just bounces anyways.

Thanks again to the fellas who showed us around. We can't wait to pedal with you here in the Fort. Shots are on me of course.

Sorry I didn't get many photos y'all, but the lack of photos should speak to how awesome these trails were. Nobody wanted to stop to take or be in photos. No GPS either (although it woulda been interesting). Everyone just kept rippin. And drinkin their balls off.

Hard Pipin Crew

The only photo of me from the whole trip. First run down Lithium.

Juice on the Step-Up to Step-Down feature. I believe he was the only one to hit this beast.

Juice on the Fuzzy Bunny gap. From this angle it looks pretty straight-forward.

Juice on the Fuzzy Bunny gap. From this angle it looks a wee bit LARGER. BTW: Sick riding Juice. Some of the best shit I've ever seen. (Just so ya know, he went so far that he barely landed in the frame of this shot... damn.)

Summer is still in full effect. Try to still get out there for Tres Montañas (profile below). It's the ride of the summer!

Rip on bros and hos.
Zness da Pness

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